Pre-diabetic to CrossFit

“It took the pre-diabetes to wake me up, and the right eating for me to finally get on the correct path.”  I started at TAL in October of 2015, in the six week boot camp.  I was 54 years old, 10 months into my second knee replacement, and well into...
With your Back Against the Wall

With your Back Against the Wall

Since the dawn of human time, we are programmed to resist change. Change is uncertain. Change can be dangerous. It can be a source of ambiguity, or worse yet, a source of failure. It makes perfect sense that we favor familiar environments, routines, and perceived...
The Value of Time

The Value of Time

What is your time worth? We review products on Amazon or social media. We talk about companies and we reflect upon our experiences. It’s not only that we state how we felt about it, but in unspoken terminology, we describe whether our time was well invested or...

Mother of three. Genetic Counselor. Athlete.

“There were so many things that I wouldn’t even try because I just assumed that I couldn’t do them or that it wasn’t “me,” but now I am starting to realize that I can do hard things; that I am strong.” The fabric of our community rests with each individual member. If...