5 Healthy Tips for Road Trips

5 Healthy Tips for Road Trips

Road trips are the best. The sun is out, windows are rolled down, your hand is out the window catching the wind while your favorite tunes play. The anticipation of your destination couldn’t be any more exciting and free! Now, road trips are super fun because you get...
Building your Nutritional Foundation

Building your Nutritional Foundation

Most things in life begin with a strong foundation. In CrossFit, we have the nine foundational movements that most other movements are built off of. When designing a building, most architects look for the proper soil or land that will provide for a solid foundation of...

Top 3 Food Log Mistakes

Did you know the average American carries an extra 23 pounds on top of their ideal body weight?  …and when we say “ideal body weight” we do not mean looking sculpted, ripped, jacked, skinny, thin or any of those other words that most people attribute to what...
Restaurant Tips from Nutrition Coach Jesse

Restaurant Tips from Nutrition Coach Jesse

When going out, I believe simplicity is key. The more fried, sauced, bathed, crunchatized, mysterious the meal is, the more likely it is loaded with unnecessary calories. Below are some go-to’s i’d recommend. Granted, this can also be completely...

From Running to CrossFit

Kevin, featured above, joined Athlete Lab one year ago. He came in with a background full of running experience but felt like he had hit a wall with his health and performance. Watch Kevin’s story...