‘Tis the season to be bombarded by social media and print ads using catchy slogans like…

  • “Come burn off that Thanksgiving meal with a 2 hour workout”
  • “Keto Friendly Thanksgiving Recipes”
    or my unfavorite…
  • “One Piece of Pie Equals This Many Burpees you Have to Do”

As a nutrition coach it’s my job to help people reach their nutritional and performance goals, yet the best advice I can give you sounds radical: enjoy Thanksgiving, eat the pie if you want.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s the one holiday that has maintained the same traditions for many years in my family. The holiday is centered around a giant meal, but is also a time to see friends, loved ones…and watch football if you are in to that type of thing. #Sports

Flashback about 7-10 years, and I used to dread Thanksgiving. I’d wake up early and run 5+ miles in preparation for the meal to come. I would feel guilt with each heaping spoonful of mashed potatoes I ate, or the tiny slice of pumpkin pie I had.

I’d spend the next day working out even harder, probably running more due to guilt and needing to “work off” the pie. Fear and guilt results in a miserable life. My relationship with this Holiday and food has drastically changed over the years. Let me tell you, it is incredibly freeing when you release the guilt from the day…because that’s what it is, one day.

Let go of the guilt you might feel on Thanksgiving. A lot of times people think “I messed up today and ruined the rest of the week, so I’ll just keep eating poorly,” it’s a vicious cycle. A cycle that often leads to poor eating in to the following weeks leading up to Christmas.

Disordered thinking is why the majority of Americans gain 1-2 lbs over the Holidays. I tell all of my clients not to track on Thanksgiving. It’s a Holiday that occurs once a year. One day is not going to derail your progress.

Now, I’m not saying that you should eat like an unsupervised child in a candy shop on Thanksgiving, but I am saying that you don’t need to turn down the sides, the white dinner rolls or desserts you look forward to all year.

Load your plate with protein and veggies, throw in some of those mashed potatoes or sweet potato casserole…and say yes to the apple pie if you want. Enjoy the day and plan to get right back on track the next day. If you stay relatively consistent the other 364 days in the year, you will hit your goals.

Consistency is KEY!

Moral of this story. You do not need to earn your calories or do extra exercise because you want a piece of  pumpkin pie. Enjoy the time with you friends and family and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

-Coach Andee