EMOM: 16 minutes, alternating isolating movements.
20-30 second flexed chin-up hang (sub 2-3 negatives)
40 sec Plank
30 Second Handstand Hold/1-2 Wall walks/handstand walk practice
40 sec bottom of squat hold


For Time:
800m Run/Row
21 Deadlifts (155/225)
21 Ring Push-ups (or scaled versions)
400m Run/Row
15 Deadlifts
15 Ring Push-ups
200m Run/Row
9 Deadlifts
9 Ring Push-ups


On July 26th we will be streaming the CrossFit Games Final on our big screen at the gym! Specific time and event details to come, but we are thinking about doing some type of pot luck/grill deal as well! More info to come as we get closer to the date!
