Is Spring really around the corner on the 20th?

It’s hard to believe, here in Minnesota. The month of February has brought the true definition of winter to the forefront.

However, deep in the depths of piled up snow banks and deep freezes there lingers life in all shapes and forms, preparing to wake up from a slumber. The essence of bulbs, hibernating creatures, roots and more is lying lucidly beneath, getting ready to emerge.

This got us thinking about how emerging in renewal every year is a beautiful, cyclical process. Yet, the very DNA of all forms of life never changes. It’s as solid as it began. But upon emergence from the source – that is what people see, touch and feel.

We’re going philosophical on you this month. It’s the perfect time for the Athlete Lab to go back to its source, and also introduce what is emerging!

Why did Athlete Lab start in the first place? What does it actually mean?

We’re guessing that the first thought that comes to mind when you read or hear Athlete Lab, is that “you have to be an athlete before you join.”

That’s 100% not true. In fact, it’s the complete opposite.

The Vision at its very core was to develop anyone who walked through our doors into an athlete – hence, Athlete Lab.

A “lab” for developing confidence, strength, grit, healthy body composition and a total mindset shift.

99% of the time, people walk through our doors never having considered themselves an athlete. But our vision and purpose was to train new people like they are athletes, and help them change their own perception of themselves into this.

To this day, over 10 years in business, that has not changed. It’s in our DNA. which in our framework, is the equivalent of our Core Values.

For the Athlete Lab that equates to:



Small improvements on a daily basis build a huge foundation of transformation over time. There are no quick-fixes, only steady and mindful habits, efforts and discipline.



Come prepared to focus on your own movement, betterment toward wellness, and your attitude toward others’ journeys that are in need of equal support and encouragement.



You’re influenced by those who you surround yourself with. In order to create traction, be with others who are moving in the same direction, have similar values and thrive on seeing others succeed.



Strive to do the best that you can on that day. Decide what you want to commit to and follow through so you can look at any situation and know that you “did your best”. Don’t settle for average, but go above your perception of what average is so you feel excellence in your efforts.


Fast forward to now; to what has emerged as the tangible “see, touch, feel” parts of our company (which is ever-evolving as the years go by), has now become a facility with multiple modalities of fitness and services available – weightlifting, conditioning, cycling, yoga, nutrition coaching, teen classes, annual competitions and social events…and soon to be the home of Twin Cities Kettlebell Sport Club (more to come!).

But, even better is the “feel,” part of a like-minded community that has developed over all this time. Surround yourself with awesome, hard-working, “don’t settle for average” people…and that’s what you become. Anybody making a conscious effort to improve themselves both internally and externally knows they need to surround themselves with people who help them get to that next level.

We’re heading into our 11th year in business, and part of the growth and evolution process is knowing when it’s time to shed the old and bring in the new. However, like stated before, the DNA doesn’t change. The essence of what we believe in doesn’t budge – but it’s time for the renewal of the “see, touch and feel” parts of our company.

We’re excited to bring in a re-brand this spring while continuing to focus on what we do best. And, as the changing needs of our outer communities evolve, we’ll aim to provide the resources available for those who are ready to transform.

Stay tuned for our “new look” coming in April. We’re excited to evolve into the next stage and hope you come along with us!