It’s October.

Every year we get the pleasure of pretending to be something we’re not. Before you know it, sightings of mummies, leprechauns, zombies and princesses come alive.

We don’t think much about it. October is the month to get as creative and transformative as we like without any further thought – except for enjoying some laughs, pulling a ridiculous costume idea together, enjoying the fun of Halloween games or smiling at how ecstatic your kids are from the “loot” that they gathered.

But, what if we could transform…WHENEVER we wanted to? What if your Halloween was all year long? What would you like to be? Or rather, WHO would you like to be?

Enter the Superhero.

There’s no shortage of Superhero influence these days. But why reserve it to movies, gadgets, Netflix and comics?

We’re sure you’ve been asked at some point in your life, “If you could have one superhero power, what would it be?”

Most people say, “flying”, “being invisible”, “x-ray vision”…you get the point.

But, what if you could choose your Superhero powers and feel like a Superhero…


You heard us. You. Superhero. Master of your own fate. Conqueror of all things amazing.

What would that LOOK and FEEL like?

It’s time to visualize and put into practice what your Superhero alter ego embodies.

Maybe your human-form right now isn’t feeling so optimistic. Carrying extra weight, feeling sluggish, not feeling passionate about going to work, feeling like you’re going through the motions, unhappy with your relationships, not doing that “thing” that is tugging at your heart…you get the picture.

Well, the good news is that these perceived roadblocks are only problems if you actually can’t DO something about it.

…but, that means you’ll need to transform in your mind first in order to feel and act on your new Superhero powers.

Your alter ego. Shoulders back, chest open, walking with confidence. A get-shit-done outlook on life. No more excuses, because your Superhero self can’t and doesn’t operate like that.

There are people to save – and that includes YOU.

Right now the stories you tell yourself create your identity. Your mind will ALWAYS default to the familiar. Think of the internal dialogue that goes on in your head. If you stop to think about it, it’s ridiculous how we talk to ourselves.

What you focus on IS your reality. Your headspace doesn’t know the difference between actual reality or what you tell yourself. That can be scary to think about…but equally POWERFUL.

Let’s stop acting like a mere mortal being for a moment. Put on your Superhero suit. Step outside of your current reality for a hot minute and focus on a vision much greater than your current expectations of yourself. do you actually create that vision, you say?

You play a trick on your brain. Your brain actually wants you to hesitate on big-scary-out-of-your-normal decisions in order to keep you safe. It’s a survival mechanism and hardwired into you.

Nobody explains this better than author, Mel Robbins, from The 5 Second Rule  (buy the book here or follow her on Instagram, @melrobbinslive).

To make this transformation in your brain, it might require your Superhero alter ego powers until it becomes….well, normal.

Let’s practice.

You: “I really need to get in shape and stop making excuses. My nutrition kinda sucks too and I have no energy for much of anything.”

Your Superhero: “I’m signing up for that trail run in Colorado that is in 6 months.” (If you follow the 5 Second Rule strategy, you need to do the “thing” right away to override your brain’s hesitation)

You: “Oh shit, I just registered. Now or never. I have no other option than to get my fitness and nutrition act together!”

Result: You just leaned into your Superhero mindset, stepped up your game, and risen your expectations by overriding any hesitation.

There’s no other option now than to improve your human SELF through something tangible that actually drives you toward improvement.

Now it’s your turn. Can you think of something to just DO without hesitation (aka 5 Second Rule) that will bring your Superhero-self into a realty?

Comment below if you’re inspired! What are you going to DO?