Summertime social events of the season – aka, BBQ’s, don’t have to be a nutrition nightmare. We promise!

In fact, BBQ’s can be one of the easiest ways to feel like you’re indulging, while at the same time, not subjecting yourself to total social abstinence because you’re trying to stay healthy and strong.

We’ve laid out a handful of easy strategies for crushing your next BBQ like a boss and still having a great time while you’re there. Let’s dive in and see which ones you can implement next time you get an invite…


Plan Ahead
It’s really pretty simple. Bring food that you want to eat and can share….just in case the spread when you get there isn’t super great (aka, bags of potato chips, mysterious dressings on layered jello dishes)

Pack a couple tupperwares with your share to eat as back-up, then platter the rest for the potluck-people.

Some recipes to kick off your creativity:
27 Easy Kabob Recipes to Cook all Summer Long
10 Slaw Dishes that Put Coleslaw to Shame

What about burgers?
Totally cool. Burgers are life. Ditch the bun and top the burger instead with tomato, avocado slices, sliced onion, some Primal mayo. When you get used to thinking ahead, these details become easier to cover! But don’t worry if you just need to stick to regular ketchup and mustard. It won’t be a deal breaker by any means.

If you’re not sure what the host will have available, don’t put yourself in a predicament where you have no choices. Carve out what your needs are and think ahead! Grab some sparkling waters, with limes as a fancy garnish.


Basic strategy for any summer social events and BBQ’s:
1.) Grab a hunk of protein first (kabobs, grilled steak tips, burger, salmon on a cedar plank, etc.) Then, fill your plate with lots of green salads and veggies.

2.) Limit one alcoholic drink per hour at the most. Fill the in-between time with sparkling water or cold, unsweetened tea. (Think about pre-planning some beverages for yourself). If you want to imbibe, make it a Paleo Margarita: tequila on the rocks with a splash of sparkling water and lime.

3.) Enjoy a dessert bar or two because that’s totally normal and you’ve filled yourself up already with amazing healthy food from the get-go. Chances are, you’ll be already full enough that you won’t feel the need to graze past the dessert table more than a time or two.

4.) Go and play! Frisbee, corn-hole toss, crab crawl races….or toss your nephew into the air for a set of 15 reps. Then squat with him another 15. We think that’s totally normal! Then do another 3 rounds! He’ll love it, and you’ll get a quick workout in too!