EMOM: 5 minutes
Pull-up Skill / Strength Work

Beginner: 8 x Feet on floor, barbell across rack or use rings
Intermediate: 20-30 seconds of kipping swing practice or bodyweight chin-over bar
Advanced: 8-10 Chest to Bar

**Intermediate can also practice “bar-taps” to perform a more assertive swinging action to actually depart their grip from the bar and then regrip each swing.

KB Windmills:
(Top only, unless scaled for beginner, etc.)
3-3-3-3-3 (Each Side)
Climb weight if possible.

Check out this video for Pull-up efficiency and kipping tips!


AMRAP: 20 minutes
40 Double Unders
30 Russian Swings (20/28kg) (16/24kg)
20 Wall Balls (14/20lb) (10/16lb)
10 Barbell Step-ups (75/105lb) (55/85lb)


The Nutrition Challenge Kick Off is Monday, October 12th! The Informational Seminar, led by Coach Kate, is this Friday, October 9th at 6pm. Don’t forget to RSVP for that in Zen Planner! Hope to see you then! Good Luck!