Reverse Tabata: 3 minutes at each movement, 1 minute to switch.
10 seconds on, 20 seconds rest.
L-Sit / Tuck Hold (rings/static/p-lettes)
Shoulder Taps / Static Handstand Hold
Flexed Arm Hang (regular pull-up grip)

Advanced: Handstand walking practice, weighted flexed arm hang
Functional: Hold hollow rock or v-up on floor, pike on a box for handstand work, use a band to help with flexed arm hang,


25 Minute: For Quality/Strength
5 Strict Weighted Push-ups
2 Strict Pull-ups (ADAP, weighted)
8 Heavy Swings + Farmer Carry (down and back)
40 second ring plank
**Farmer Carry in North Room.
After your swings, keep the kettlebell and single arm farmer carry down. Switch arms, carry back.
Advanced: 45/65lb for Push-ups, 32/44kg Swings
Functional: Difficult push-ups (choose your modification), 22/32kg Swings


The Stillwater Stair Climb is this Saturday starting at 3:30pm! There is still time to sign up! So far, weather looks good! What are you waiting for, sign up here!
