Continue Working on Pull-up/MU Skill Work:

EMOM: 5 Minutes
Beginner: 6-7 x feet on floor w/barbell across rack or 3-4 negatives w/full bodyweight
Intermediate: 20-30 seconds of kipping swing practice or bodyweight chin-over bar practice
Advanced: 6-8 Chest to Bar or 3-4 MU transitions or MU practice.

**Intermediate can also practice “bar-taps” to perform a more assertive swinging action to actually depart their grip from the bar and then regrip each swing.
**You should have C2B Pull-ups and ring dips before working on MU progressions.

6 Rounds: Rest as needed.
Handstand Skill Work

Beginner: 2 Wall Walks
Intermediate: Kick-up to a handstand against the wall, tap away from the wall to find your center of balance.
Advanced: Free handstands. Attempts at holding it in same spot as long as you can.
Here’s a video on handstand progressions. The second half has good tricks on how to hold a freestanding handstand.


3 Rounds:
500m Row
30 Air Squats
20 T2B – or scaling options