Back Squat – Working off your 1RM from 9/22

1st Working Set: 80% x 5 reps
2nd Working Set: 87.5% x 4 reps
3rd Working Set: 95% x 3 reps

For Time: Compare to July 15, 2015

Run/Row 400m
Wall Balls (14/20lb)
Deadlift (153/225lb)
Run/Row 400m
Wall Balls
Run/Row 400m

We are rounding out the first week of the Team Nutrition Challenge. Great job so far to all participating with all the constant engagement and motivation being shared on the private page. Keep your focus, eat clean and keep asking questions!

Heading into 2016, we are prepping for several phases of improvements and initiatives that will impact our community in a very positive way. We are excited to roll our changes out, so stay tuned this next month for further details!
