The month of L.O.V.E. (or not?) That is the question.

Let’s face it, the same can be said when it comes to your health and fitness. It’s a love-like-dislike-hate relationship no matter what level of commitment you’re at.

Given it’s the month of February, we thought we’d dive into a conversation about how our own human-to-human relationships really aren’t that much different than our relationship with staying (or getting) healthy and fit.

There are all kinds of emotions wrapped up in this thing we call “wellness”.

Ultimately, we don’t want to just tie this to exercise and eating healthy. There are many other layers that are included – mental health, financial health, purging unnecessary clutter from your life…you get the picture. But since we’re in the nutrition and fitness business, we’ll stick to that for now.

No matter if you’re feeling out of shape or like a total badass, the emotions involved in exercise and eating healthy still run the spectrum of love-like-dislike-hate feelings much like our human relationships.

We think an open conversation about the rollercoaster of inner dialogue, and actions is worth the time. After all, even coaches are human too, so let’s dig in.



For many of us, the fear of opening our heart and soul to someone new can be…well, scary. Especially, if you’ve been burned in the past. It takes a lot of tip-toeing or just dipping those toes in the water before you really overcome that fear to go “all in”.

Guess what? We see the fear of going “all in” at the gym too!

“I won’t be able to do that.”,

“Those people are stronger than me.”,

“That looks intimidating.”

…..we hear all of it.

The feeling of being fearful is simply because it’s unknown. It’s easy to get wrapped up in all the “what if’s”, whether it’s in a new relationship or in a new relationship with a gym and its community.

Nobody may have taught you how to lift properly. Maybe you were never mentored by a coach. Maybe you just weren’t surrounded by the right people to lead you in the right direction.

It all adds up to a paralyzation of positive action, so often times people will never start because of the fear of the unknown. Our job is to ease that through building the trust necessary to help you break out of the “fear shell”, much like trust is needed in a new relationship because it takes a lot to put yourself out there and be vulnerable.



New love. The honeymoon phase. It’s the best thing ever. Your heart is all in. You feel unstoppable. Everything is right in the world and you’re smiling from cheek to cheek 24 hours a day! Can you feel it?

You can get those same highs at the gym – and it feels amazing! It leads you into an unstoppable day. A gift of an endorphin surge coupled with loving how you feel. Unless you’ve never had it, the feeling of breathing heavy, sweat dripping, and a conviction to finish the workout with everything you’ve got is equally as exhilarating as new love. Because you love how you feel.

For those that decide to dedicate themselves to transformational mental and physical results, confidence will exude from your very soul. You’ll have an aura about you – something “just different”. You’ll attract more amazingness into your circle. You’ll attract people that want to be around that “something” that you have. We’re all about that!



On the flip-side, every day isn’t 100%. Nor is it 100% with the favorite love of your life. Quite frankly, sometimes it’s a flat out 0%…and that’s okay. Disappointment is attached to expectations. We all have them toward other people and ourselves. It takes conscious effort to let go of them.

Expectations toward your significant other end up in disappointment, some more fleeting than others…”You mean the dishes aren’t done?”, “The car still didn’t get the oil changed?”, “You aren’t picking up the kids for me?”

When changing poor lifestyle habits we may have a handful of “do-overs” attached to them, since even our best efforts just don’t stick right away. It’s easy to get disappointed by feeling like you and “square one” are best friends, but that’s part of this whole process.

For new people just trying to figure out the first step to reclaiming health, it  often is having a hard time sticking to one singular goal you set forth, like kicking a soda habit. So you might go backward on this goal, then have to regroup the next day – going head to head with this “do-over” time and again until you have it. 

For veteran fitness buffs, maybe you signed up for a race, yet you didn’t reach the time cut-off that you trained for. Maybe you’ve been working really hard to get a new skill, and no matter how many hours you put in, it’s taking FOREVER to nail down.

Something didn’t fall into place the way you planned – those damn expectations and disappointments clouding your head.

What matters most is that you continue the quest, whatever your quest is. What is giving up going to do? Nothing. So that alternative isn’t an option.

How you’re able to navigate the natural ebb and flow of possible disappointment will either make or break you, or your relationship with another human. Finding a bit of stoicism in these circumstances can be key.


Need we say more? Significant relationships are haaaard commitments and chances are that you’ll want to throw in the [gym] towel every now and then!

Anything worth fighting for isn’t easy. We believe this pertains to your very own health too. It’s worth committing to and fighting for because we see the repercussions if you don’t.

Commitment takes sacrifice, a level of tenacity and an undercurrent of “something in you” that knows not to wave your white surrender flag and abandon it.

Deep down in the very depths of your soul you know that if you do, you’re just not the person you want to be, even though it’s damn hard when your partner isn’t holding up their end of the deal…or that alarm goes off at 5:30am to get your butt to the gym. Commitment.

Making a commitment to your health is hard. But dealing with the health consequences is even harder!

Fear, exhilaration, disappointment and commitment scratch only the surface of how our significant relationships with others run parallel with the significance of our relationship to our own health and fitness. But, there’s one thing that stands above the rest.

As we move through the month of February, let’s remind ourselves that “Love conquers all”….and that begins with loving yourself!