
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Double Unders (or practice this skill) 3 x 2 minute max effort Rest 1 minute in between. Score is best set. Then: Pull-up Strength/Skill Advanced: 4 x 5 bodyweight, on the last rep of each set maintain a flexed arm hang for max time. Functional: 4 x 5...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Snatch Skill/Strength EMOM: 15 minutes Minute 0 - 4: 3 x Power Snatch Minute 5-9: 2 x Hang Snatch Minute 10-14: 1 x Snatch Advanced: Every 5 minutes, increase your loading. Functional: Increase loading every 4 minutes if you can, otherwise, work on...

Monday, September 14, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH RETEST: Push-Press (from the floor) 3RM METCON 2 Rounds: 5-4-3-2-1 Power Clean Thruster After the ladder is complete, run 400m. Advanced: 108/160 Functional: 83/125

Friday, September 11, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Partner Weighted Push-ups 5 Working Sets (load plates or lowest position possible) 5 x 3 Then, Alternating Movements: 5-4-3-2-1 Strict Chin-ups (weighted, negative, etc.) HSPU negatives (deficit or ADAP) (sub challenging strict barbell press for HSPU...

Thursday, September 10, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH EMOM: 12 minutes, climbing 1 x Clean & Jerk (no further than 85% of max at the end) METCON For Time: 25 Power Clean & Jerk (133/185lb) ••12 minute cap

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Strength/Skill: Partners **22 minute Cap** A. 400m Sled drag with fire hoses (180/270lb) B. 400m Single Arm Farmer Carry (24/32kg) C. 150 Tractor Drivers (total) METCON Max Distance with a partner: 8 minutes Alternating w/Partner: Run 100m + 10 Air...

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH **18-20 Minutes** Power Snatch + OHS Climbing METCON For Time: Row 800m 50m OH Barbell Walking Lunge (63/95lb)(43/75lb) 75 Sit-ups UPCOMING Heads up! Due to a wedding scheduled at Pioneer Park on September 19th, we have MOVED the Stillwater Stair Climb...

Friday, September 4th

Strength/Skill - alternating Turkish Get-up - For load 1-1-1-1-1 (on each side) 5 x 5 Broad Jumps for distance (use a chip) 5 x 12-15 GHD Sit-ups Then, warm-up front squats. For Time: (Rx from the floor) Run 800m 9 Front Squats (equal to your bodyweight) Run 400m 6...

Thursday, September 03, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Strength A: 2 x 21 Deadlifts Use your "Diane" loading, try to finish 21 or "as close to" on both sets. Full rest in between sets. Strength B - 5 Sets: 30 seconds on, 1 minute off Max HSPU Max Push-Press (same loading as Diane) METCON For Quality &...

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Back Squat 4 x 8 Climbing METCON WOD #1: 10 minutes, 1 minute work, 1 minute rest. Max Double Unders/Speed or practice this skill. Score is best set. WOD #2: 10 minutes, 1 minute work, 1 minute rest. Burpees Score is best set. UPCOMING The Stillwater...