
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH 7 Working Sets: From the floor 4 Front Rack Lunges (total) + 2 Front Squats Working up in load. METCON For Time: 21 Front Squat 15 HSPU 100 DU 15 Front Squat 12 HSPU 100 DU 9 Front Squat 9 HSPU 100 DU Advanced: 95/135 Functional: 63/95, DB Push...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Continue Working on Pull-up/MU Skill Work: EMOM: 5 Minutes Beginner: 6-7 x feet on floor w/barbell across rack or 3-4 negatives w/full bodyweight Intermediate: 20-30 seconds of kipping swing practice or bodyweight chin-over bar practice Advanced: 6-8...

Monday, October 12, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Warm Up Back Squat First working set: 80% x 2 reps Second working set: 86% x 2 reps Third working set: 92% x 2 reps Fourth working set: 97.5% x 2 reps These are challenging loads. Adjust as needed to still challenge yourself with the reps, but assess...

Friday, October 09, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH For Quality/Strength: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict T2B Ring Dips - Focus on hollow position METCON Every 3 minutes for 5 Intervals: Run 100m 3 Rounds of Cindy **5 Pull-ups/10 Push-ups/15 Air Squats** Scaling: 1-2 Rounds of Cindy, depending on where your...

Thursday, October 08, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH 2 Rounds: 2 Power Cleans, 2 Front Squats, 2 Jerks (185/135) (165/115) 2 Rounds: 4 Power Cleans, 4 Front Squats, 4 Jerks (155/115) (135/95) 2 Rounds: 6 Power Cleans, 6 Front Squats, 6 Jerks (125/85) (105/65) 2 Rounds: 8 Power Cleans, 8 Front Squats, 8...

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH EMOM: 5 minutes Pull-up Skill / Strength Work Beginner: 8 x Feet on floor, barbell across rack or use rings Intermediate: 20-30 seconds of kipping swing practice or bodyweight chin-over bar Advanced: 8-10 Chest to Bar **Intermediate can also practice...

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH 8 Working Sets: Every 90 Seconds 5 OHS, climbing load. METCON 100 DB Snatches (from mid-shin) At the top of each minute, perform 8 Push-ups. Advanced: (40/50lb) Functional: (25/35lb)

Monday, October 05 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Warm up Back Squat, then using your 1RM from 9/22: First working set: 80% x 4 reps Second working set: 87.5% x 3 reps Third working set: 95% x 2 reps METCON 3 Rounds: Run 400 Max Back Squat in 1 minute (from the floor) Rest 90 seconds. After your run,...

Friday, October 02, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Deadlift 6 x 2 Challenging Sets Across METCON 1 minute at each, running clock. Rest 1 minute after each round. 4 Rounds: Deadlift (103/155) Box Jumps (20/24in) Compare to Wednesday, June 17th 2015 Advanced: (103/155) (20/24in) Functional: (83/135),...

Thursday, October 01, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Jerk 5 x 3 Climbing METCON 12-10-8-6-4-2 Handstand Push-ups 20-18-16-14-12-10 OH Swings Advanced: 4 inch deficit, (20/28kg) Functional: BB Push press, (14/22kg) UPCOMING Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to register for the Nutrition Challenge. If you plan on...