
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH A. For Quality: 4 Rounds Double KB Front Squats (challenging) x 5 Bodyweight Chin-ups x 8 (add weight if you can) 1 Minute Ring Plank B. 3 Sets x 1 minute: Rest 90 Seconds in between. Score is worst set. Advanced: Max T2B Functional: Knee to Armpit...

Tuesday, September 27, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Deadlift - Climbing 7 x 1 Beginners: Sets of 3's or 5's, coach's discretion. METCON 5 Rounds: 15 minute cap. 12 Deadlifts 10 Burpees 50 Double Unders (.5 Double Unders or 2x Singles) Advanced: (125/185) Funtional: (105/155) Finisher: 100 V-ups Scale...

Monday, October 26, 2015

STRENGTH Back Squat First Working Set: 80% x 2 Reps Second Working Set: 86% x 2 Reps Third Working Set: 92.5% x 2 Reps Fourth Working Set: 100% x 2 Reps (or close to 100%) METCON For Quality: 20 minutes 1 Turkish Get-up (challenging) 2 Back Squat (approximately...

Friday, October 23, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH A. 5 x 10 Walking Overhead Barbell Lunges Climbing weight. Start at the red line or by the post. Take turns with another person, using your lane across from each other. METCON 6 Rounds: 5 Power Snatch (125/83) (105/73) 5 OHS 100m Run ••12 minute cap....

Thursday, October 22, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Jerk (Split) 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 METCON For Time: 9 Shoulder to OH (95/135) (65/95) 20 Pistols 200m Run 12 Shoulder to OH 20 Pistols 200m Run 15 Shoulder to OH 20 Pistols Run 200m

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Front Squat Move up in load as you move down in reps. Full Rest between sets. 10-8-6-4-2 METCON 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Clean (95/135) High Box Jump (26/30) (20/24) (16/20) Finisher: 3 x 1 minute weighted planks (partner up)

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH For Quality: 5 Rounds 10 Cosack Squats ADAP 8 Strict BB Press ADAP 5 Strict Chin-ups ADAP METCON In 10 minutes: Row 1000m Then AMRAP: 5 Burpees 5 Pull-ups

Monday October 19th, 2015

Back Squat - Working off your 1RM from 9/22 1st Working Set: 80% x 5 reps 2nd Working Set: 87.5% x 4 reps 3rd Working Set: 95% x 3 reps For Time: Compare to July 15, 2015 Run/Row 400m Then: 15-12-9 Wall Balls (14/20lb) Deadlift (153/225lb) Run/Row 400m Then: 12-9-6...

Friday, October 15, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH Skill/Strength: Teams of 2 A. Row for max distance in 8 minutes. Full Rest. B. Perform 100 push-ups for time. Full Rest. METCON 10 Rounds: 20 second shuttle sprints, 40 seconds rest. Goal is to maintain the number of lengths you're able to accomplish....

Thursday, October 15, 2015

SKILL/STRENGTH EMOM: 16 minutes Climbing load. 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Snatch **Alternative can be: 2 x Hang Power Sn + Overhead Sq or work on positions from the floor, etc. METCON AMRAP: 10 minutes 10 Power Snatch (65/95) (45/75) 10 Box Jumps (24/20) (20/16) **DB can be...