
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Strength Pull Ups Establish a max weighted pull up for 5 reps, 3 reps, and 1 rep MetCon 8 Rounds: 15 Med Ball Squat Cleans 12 Ring Dips 9 Kb Snatches/side

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Strength Hang Power Snatch 8 x 2 *For Load. MetCon Every 4 minutes for 5 Rounds: 9 Burpee Box Jumps 15 Wall Balls 21/15 Cal Row *Score = total rest time combined between rounds.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Strength Every 3 minutes for 4 rounds: 3 Deadlifts @ 80%-85% Accumulate a 60 second hollow hold MetCon 14 Minute AMRAP: 50' DB Walking Lunge (50/35) 20 T2B 50 Double Unders

Monday November 27, 2017

Within 5 minutes, work up to a 3 RM strict press. Within 5 minutes, work up to a 2 RM push press. Within 5 minutes, work up to a 1 RM push jerk. "Dirty Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters Pull-ups *EMOM, 4 bar over burpees. Start the workout with the burpees.

5 Considerations Before You Select a Gym

Not all gyms are equal. Far from it, actually. Granted, most look the same way, have rows of machines, or as in our case, no machines but rigs, rowers, and other equipment. But that's only what you see when you step in. To select your future 'home away from home',...

Muscles For Breakfast

Muscles For Breakfast

4 Muscle-Building Breakfasts (and Mark Rippetoe Wisdom) Strength is one of the ten domains of fitness, defined as “the ability of a muscular unit, or the combination of muscular units, to apply force” (CrossFit Journal).  Did that definition just give you flashbacks...