Strength/Skill – alternating

Turkish Get-up – For load
1-1-1-1-1 (on each side)
5 x 5 Broad Jumps for distance (use a chip)
5 x 12-15 GHD Sit-ups
Then, warm-up front squats.

For Time: (Rx from the floor)

Run 800m
9 Front Squats (equal to your bodyweight)
Run 400m
6 Front Squats (bodyweight + 10lb)
Run 200m
3 Front Squats (bodyweight + 20lb)
***Load as close to bodyweight as possible, if still working on overall strength. The 9/6/3 should be challenging.  Possibly re-racking if needed.  Advanced from the floor.

Have a safe and fun Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Class on Monday at 8:30am only.
