For Quality: Rotating

4 x 10
DB Cossack Squats

4 x 15
Hip Extensions (or 10x full range glute-ham developers)

4 x 10
Sots Press w/Med Ball

Hey coach! Cossack Squats?!?!?! What are those?
Prepare yourself a little before class by watching this quick video! Of course, your coach will help you in class too!


AMRAP: 18 minutes
Row 500m
75 Double Unders/Speed/Singles x 2
50 Air Squats
25 V-ups/Sit-ups


Stillwater Stair Climb is coming up soon! This will be a fun community workout followed by grilling and chilling afterwards with your fellow labbers!

Saturday, September 19th starting at 3:30pm.
More information and sign up available by clicking here!
